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General terms of sale

General terms of sale

The cloth of the baker

11 avenue du vent des dames

Zone des Paluds


Tél: et
E-mail : toileduboulanger@gmail.com

The present conditions aim at defining the contractual relations between la Toile du Boulanger and the buyer, and the conditions applicable to any purchase made by means of the retail website of la Toile du Boulanger. The acquisition of the good(property) or the service(department) through the present site implies(involves) an unconditional acceptance by the buyer of the present terms of sale. These terms of sale will prevail over any other general or particular conditions not expressly approved by la Toile du Boulanger. Toile du Boulanger reserves the right to be able to modify its terms of sale at any time. In this case, the applicable conditions will be the ones current in the order date by the buyer.


On the Internet: http://www.toileduboulanger.com

To place an order, the order form must be completed.

You can also order by phone (on call or sms) at (non-premium call) from mainland France, from Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 12am and from 1.30pm to 6.30pm.

Once the order form is completed, a confirmation message appears. It summarizes your delivery and billing addresses.

You must check all the information transmitted, including all items useful for delivery (delivery address, digital code, phones ...).

If you do not have to modify the form, you must validate and take note of these conditions. If you accept them, you must check the box "I have read the terms and conditions and I adhere to them without reservation".

After payment on our secure CMCIC payment server (see '' Payment ''), an acknowledgment is displayed. It confirms the registration of your order and informs you that an electronic confirmation message will be sent to you as soon as possible.

You have the ability at any time to identify and correct your mistakes made when entering your data. When you notice an error after the conclusion of the contract, you must contact us.


We carry out an archiving of the contracts, purchase orders and invoices on a reliable and durable support.


3.1 Legal guarantees

In accordance with the legal provisions in force relating to the conformity of the goods in the contract, in terms of hidden defects, we will refund, repair or exchange any product apparently defective, damaged, damaged or not corresponding to your order. You must nevertheless check the apparent condition of the products in the presence of the deliveryman and you have the obligation to return us the products in the received state.

We will also refund the full cost of return on presentation of receipts.

This warranty is valid for 15 days. You can also return to us within 15 days the products even without defect but the cost of return will be at your expense.

3.2 Contractual guarantees

3 months warranty

Toile du Boulanger guarantees its products against poor workmanship. Our parts are guaranteed for 3 months at the date of their invoicing against any manufacturing defect, provided that they are used correctly and that they are not modified. In case of problem you can contact us to know the steps to follow.

3.3 Responsibility

We do our best to satisfy you. We are responsible for the proper execution of these terms and conditions. Nevertheless, our responsibility can not be engaged because of a fortuitous event, a case of absolute necessity, the unforeseeable and insurmountable fact of a third party to the contract or because of the non-conformity of the product with a foreign legislation in delivery to a country other than France. Our liability can not be held liable for damage resulting from the use of the Internet such as loss of data, intrusions, viruses, service interruptions, or other unintended problems.


4.1 Delivery methods

We will deliver the products to the address indicated on the order form.

4.2 Delivery time

All our shipments are treated by express carrier DPD which ensures us shipments in France in 24H, 48H (for the departments 29,22,56,35,44,49,53,72,37,61,27,14,50, 27,76,80,62) and 72H for Corsican. Timing noted in 95% of the cases.

We keep you informed at every step and you can contact us for any questions.

You will receive by mail a tracking number of your parcel and you will be able to follow up via www.dpd.fr

4.3 Delivery charges

Delivery costs are free beyond 250 € of purchase in mainland France. They are fixed at 20 € TTC under 250 € of purchase.

Delivery charges for the European Union are fixed at the following price:

Area E1: Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands package for 30 €
Area E2: Austria, Spain, Great Britain, Italy, Lichtenstein, Switzerland package for 35 €
Area E3: Andorra, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Norway, Greece, Finland, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Romania, Serbia package at € 45

We can also ship packages all over the world (except North Korea, Cuba, Gualapados Islands, Mongolia, Sierra Leone). You must first register on the site by clicking on "create an account". You select the country concerned. Inform us by email of the requested product and we will send you the estimate by email including shipping costs with the secure link to make the payment via monetico payment. Your package is shipped by dpd and you can track it via their website www.dpd.com. Delivery times are between 2 days and 6 days depending on the country and the city of destination.

4.4 Follow-up of the delivery

You can contact us for any question regarding your delivery. You will receive a tracking number via the tranporter for a live tracking via their site www.dpd.fr


The prices of our products are indicated in euros HT on the site, the VAT is then added during the order.

If you request a delivery outside the French territory, your order will be edited French HT, completed shipping costs to the destination. Payment of customs duties and local taxes outside France is your responsibility and we invite you to check with the competent authorities in your country. You must also check the possibilities of importing or using the products you order from us in the country of destination.


We cash your payment when you enter into the online contract. Once your order has been validated and registered, an e-mail informs you that we will cash you.

6.1 Means of payment

The payment method you have to pay for your purchases on La Toile du Boulanger is the credit card: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, other credit cards. The payment is made on the secure banking servers of our partner: monetico paiement. This implies that no banking information about you passes through our site.

Payment by credit card is perfectly secure; your order will be registered and validated upon acceptance of payment by the bank you have chosen.

It is possible to pay by bank transfer or check but the delivery will only be triggered when the payment is received on the bank account of La Toile du Boulanger.


6.2 Security

Payments via our site are subject to a security system developed by the CIC. The transaction is supported by the monetico payment transaction server in compliance with security standards:

- SSL encrypted link, PCI-DSS compliance,

- 3D Secure Control to authenticate the buyer when paying by credit card,

- Check the credit card and check the outstanding amount

At the end of the transaction, the customer is redirected to Toile du Boulanger's Web site.

This means that the information related to the order and the number of the credit card do not circulate in clear on Internet.

Thus, no person has access, either in a computerized manner or in a printed form, to the credit card details of the buyers.


In accordance with legal provisions, within 7 days of receiving your product, you can exercise your right of withdrawal. The return of the product is accepted under certain conditions including its original state. You do not have to pay a penalty except the return costs, which are your responsibility. We will refund the full amount paid within 30 days of your withdrawal. In accordance with legal provisions, the right of withdrawal can not be exercised for products made to order, according to the particular specifications of the consumer or audio, video or computer software unsealed by the customer.


The prices take into account the T.V.A applicable on the day of the order and any change of the applicable rate T.V.A. will be automatically passed on the price of the products on sale on Toile du Boulanger.

The products remain the entire property of the Baker's Canvas until full collection. Our offers of goods and prices are valid if they appear online on the site on the day of the order.


These conditions are subject to French law. In case of dispute on the substance or the form, the French courts will be competent.


If you wish to contact us, our customer service is at your disposal: for information on our offers or to place an order: (call not surcharged) from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 13:30 to 18:30.


All elements of the website "Toile du Boulanger" are and remain the intellectual and exclusive property of la Toile du Boulanger.

Nobody is authorized to reproduce, exploit, rebroadcast, or use for any purpose whatsoever, even partially, elements of the site that are software, visual or sound. Any simple link or hypertext is strictly prohibited without the express written agreement of la Toile du Boulanger.


We collect your personal information for the management of your orders and the follow-up of our commercial relations. They can be retransmitted to our partners exclusively for the execution of your orders, in accordance with these terms and conditions.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, delete, rectify and oppose personal data concerning you. All you need to do is write us online or by post, indicating your last name, first name, email address, postal address and if possible your customer reference.


All our products come from the European Union. The flax and cotton yarns come from France. The wool of France and England. PVC from Germany.


Regarding the cleaning service we provide cleaning with dedicated machines. Canvas already damaged or torn will be returned in the state and our responsibility can not be committed. A carrier will recover the cloths in a conditioned container (bag of flour closed, cardboard closed, ...). A carrier will deliver the cleaned cloths packed in airtight bags.

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We propose you in our catalog two linen types(chaps) with coat(layer)La Lin, a couche made of 100% French natural linen, shorn and calendered. Antibacterial and moisture wicking properties of linen fiber. Naturally flexible and resistant. Tight weave and density of about 380g / m². Certified for food contact The Louxor, a revolutionary game changer couche created for you, with properties that fa...

You need custom size ?

We can custom size all our products. Contact us